Latest Episodes

Shane Claiborne: Who Will Be a Witness?
As a special bonus for our listeners, we have created a series to commemorate Inverse Podcast co-host Dr Drew Hart's brand new book *Who...

Marlena Graves: The Only Way Up is Down
Marlena is a writer, deep thinker, and speaker who is passionate about the eternal implications of our life in God. In this conversation, Marlena...

Nekeisha Alayna Alexis: Womanist Anarchism while White Evangelicals ask for a King
Nekeisha Alayna Alexis is a Black Trinidadian woman, academic-activist situated in the U.S.A. who has worked on a number of issues affecting marginalized communities,...

Van Badham: Marxism, Jerry Falwell Jr. & John the Baptist
Van Badham is Jordan Peterson’s favourite Marxist Christian to mock. Writer, Activist, co-host of the Weekly On Wednesday podcast and regular columnist for The...

Sandra Van Opstal -Hearing Amos Over the Noise of the Priests of Bethel
In this moment we need to hear from Pastor Sandra Van Opstal. Celebrity worship pastors using their social media to shut down people lifting...

Patricia Ho - Human Rights Law & Shining like Stars
Patricia Ho is the founder of the Hong Kong Dignity Institute, a trauma informed approach to defending and advancing the rights of vulnerable people...