A veteran of the anti-apartheid movement and an Anglican priest, René August is a reconciliation trainer with The Warehouse, a worshipping community organization in Cape Town, South Africa that walks alongside churches as they seek to respond to the issues of poverty, injustice, and division in a city that struggles with some of the worst inequality in the world.
Tom Ballard (@tomcballard) is a supremely funny comedian, unafraid to call out the absurdity found in established systems and powers. Here's our hilarious and...
[Lisa's Website](https://www.lisasharonharper.com) [Lisa's book "The Very Good Gospel"](https://www.amazon.com.au/Very-Good-Gospel-Everything-Wrong/dp/160142857X) Our friend's new podcast! [The Good Vote](https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-good-vote/id1461426092)
Inauguration and Vegetarians at the BBQ with Jonathan Martin. A conversation recorded in community to provide space and reflection on the inauguration of President...