Bonus: Eastern Orthodoxy and Nonviolence with Andrew Klager and Bradley Jersak Part One

June 23, 2021 01:20:19
Bonus: Eastern Orthodoxy and Nonviolence with Andrew Klager and Bradley Jersak Part One
Inverse Podcast
Bonus: Eastern Orthodoxy and Nonviolence with Andrew Klager and Bradley Jersak Part One

Jun 23 2021 | 01:20:19


Show Notes

A conversation with Jarrod McKenna and Andrew Klager and Bradley Jersak about eastern orthodoxy and nonviolence, recorded in Canada in 2018. This is part one. Part two will be released next week. Andrew Klager is the Director of the Institute for Religion, Peace and Justice. Andrew Klager earned a PhD in Religious Studies and History from the University of Glasgow focusing on Anabaptist-Mennonite history and theology including the 16th-century Anabaptist peace tradition(s) and has completed continuing studies in Interfaith Conflict Resolution and Conflict Analysis from the United States Institute of Peace. He was also a Research Associate at the Humanitas Anabaptist-Mennonite Centre at TWU and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at the University of Victoria. Rev. Dr. Brad Jersak (Reader Irenaeus) is a Professor at the Institute for Religion, Peace and Justice holds a PhD in Theology and Religious Studies from Bangor University (Wales) and is an author and teacher based in Abbotsford, Canada. In addition to his teaching responsibilities at the Institute for Religion, Peace and Justice, he has taught New Testament and Patristics as a core faculty member at Westminster Theological Centre in the UK and is currently on faculty at St. Stephen's University in New Brunswick as the Dean of Theology & Culture. After serving as pastor and church-planter for twenty years, he now travels for Fresh Wind Christian Fellowship and serves as reader at All-Saints Orthodox Monastery (Dewdney, BC). Brad’s focus today is on writing accessible theology, facilitating 'listening prayer' seminars, and teaching college courses. His research, teaching, and writing emphases include the gospels, cruciform theology, contemplative spirituality applied to prophetic justice, and a theology of hope (Her Gates Will Never Be Shut). He is the author or co-author of thirteen books on atonement theology, eschatology, cruciform theology, Simone Weil, and George Grant and is currently the senior editor of CWR Press and St. Macrina Press. His most recent books are A More Christlike God: A More Beautiful Gospel, A More Christlike Way: A More Beautiful Faith, and IN: Incarnation & Inclusion, Abba & Lamb. Follow Andrew on [Twitter](http:// @andrewpklager Follow Brad Jersak on [Twitter]( @bradjersak and [Instagram]( @bradleyjersak. Follow Drew Hart on [Instagram]( and [Twitter]( @druhart. Follow Jarrod McKenna on [Instagram]( and [Twitter]( @jarrodmckenna. Discover our global community on [Twitter]( and [Instagram]( @inversepodcast. Become a Patron of Inverse at With thanks to [David Andrew ]( for the ongoing use of his music in this podcast.

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