Rich Villodas, the US Capitol, and Romans 6

January 15, 2021 01:07:36
Rich Villodas, the US Capitol, and Romans 6
Inverse Podcast
Rich Villodas, the US Capitol, and Romans 6

Jan 15 2021 | 01:07:36


Show Notes

Rich Villodas is the Brooklyn-born lead pastor of New Life Fellowship, a large multiracial church with more than seventy-five countries represented in Elmhurst, Queens. Rich holds a Master of Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary. He enjoys reading widely, preaching and writing on contemplative spirituality, justice-related matters, and the art of preaching. He's been married to Rosie since 2006 and they have two beautiful children, Karis and Nathan. His first book, The Deeply Formed Life, is now available wherever books are sold. Follow Rich on [Twitter]( and [Instagram]( @richvillodas. Follow Drew Hart on [Instagram]( and [Twitter]( @druhart. Follow Jarrod McKenna on [Instagram]( and [Twitter](http://jarrodmckenna) @jarrodmckenna.

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