Van Badham is Jordan Peterson’s favourite Marxist Christian to mock. Writer, Activist, co-host of the Weekly On Wednesday podcast and regular columnist for The Guardian, Van is a prolific voice for justice. In this episode, Drew and Jarrod discuss Luke 3:1-20 with Van, and discuss her faith, her love for Karl Marx, and her opposition to all forms of authoritarianism, as a Christian Marxist.
Follow Van Badham on [Instagram](http:// and [Twitter](http:// @vanbadham
Follow Drew Hart on [Instagram](http:// and [Twitter](http:// @druhart
Follow Jarrod McKenna on [Instagram](http:// and [Twitter](http://jarrodmckenna) @jarrodmckenna
We are excited to share our very first live Podcast recording with Propaganda. Recorded live at SPARC 2018. We discuss how the Bible reads...
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