[Lisa's Website](https://www.lisasharonharper.com) [Lisa's book "The Very Good Gospel"](https://www.amazon.com.au/Very-Good-Gospel-Everything-Wrong/dp/160142857X) Our friend's new podcast! [The Good Vote](https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-good-vote/id1461426092)
Drew and Jarrod joins the Very Reverend Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas in conversation around her new book Resurrection Hope, the Magnificat, and our ecological...
In this special Christmas episode of Inverse, Jarrod and Drew are joined by two incredible guests, Kelley Nikondeha and Jonathan Martin, as they engage...
Van Badham is Jordan Peterson’s favourite Marxist Christian to mock. Writer, Activist, co-host of the Weekly On Wednesday podcast and regular columnist for The...