Dr Susan Carland on the book of Esther

June 06, 2021 01:10:07
Dr Susan Carland on the book of Esther
Inverse Podcast
Dr Susan Carland on the book of Esther

Jun 06 2021 | 01:10:07


Show Notes

Dr Susan Carland is an academic, writer, and social commentator. she completed her PhD in Monash University's School of Political and Social Inquiry and is now the Director of the Bachelor of Global Studies. She was awarded a Churchill Fellowship for 2020, and an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) in 2020. Susan’s first monograph “Fighting Hislam” was published by Melbourne University Publishing in 2017, and “The Research Process (6th edition)“, co-authored with Professor Gary Bouma, was also published in 2016 by Oxford University Press. Her writing has appeared in local and international newspapers, academic journals and books, magazines, websites, and anthologies. She is the host of the podcast What Happens Next? Susan was invited to present her research at the UN in Geneva, has been named on the 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World list, and The Age's 20 Most Influential Australian Female Voices. Her research and supervision interests include feminism, sexism, discrimination, prejudice, social cohesion, Islam, Islamophobia, and Muslims in Australia. Follow Susan on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/SusanCarland) and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/susancarland/) @SusanCarland Follow Drew Hart on [Instagram](http://instagram.com/druhart) and [Twitter](http://twitter.com/druhart) @druhart. Follow Jarrod McKenna on [Instagram](http://www.instagram.com/jarrodmckenna) and [Twitter](http://twitter.com/jarrodmckenna) @jarrodmckenna. Discover our global community on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/inversepodcast) and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/inversepodcast) @inversepodcast. Become a Patron of Inverse at https://www.patreon.com/InVerse With thanks to [David Andrew ](https://www.instagram.com/davidjandrew/)(@davidjandrew) for the ongoing use of his music in this podcast.

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