Latest Episodes

Re-Listen: Brian Zahnd: Nonviolent Atonement Series
Brian Zahnd is the founder and lead pastor of Word of Life Church, a non-denominational Christian congregation in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Brian and his...

Re-listen: Richard Rohr
We are sharing some of our most popular episodes with you. Richard Rohr - Cosmic Christ & Revival Fr. Richard Rohr discusses with Jarrod...

Kelly Brown Douglas: The Magnificat and Resurrection Hope
Drew and Jarrod joins the Very Reverend Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas in conversation around her new book Resurrection Hope, the Magnificat, and our ecological...

Three Black Men Podcast Crossover
Trey Ferguson is an avid indoorsman in Miami-Dade County, Florida. He serves on the pastoral staff at the Refuge Church in Homestead, Florida in...

The Kingdom of God and the Qumran Community with Dr. Rebecca Harris
Dr. Rebecca Harris is Assistant Professor of Bible at Messiah University. Her research and writing focus on early Jewish literature, particularly the Dead Sea...

Ash London: Deconstruction and the Good Samaritan
Entertainment guru, Ash London, is renowned for her authentic music passion and ability to connect with the biggest artists on planet earth, Ash began...