Latest Episodes

Walter Brueggemann Part 2
Part 2 of our chat with living legend, Walter Brueggemann.

Walter Brueggemann Part 1
The world's most respected living Old Testament scholar pops in for a chat with Jarrod about the counter-cultural nature of the bible.

Propaganda: The Live Podcast - S01E05
We are excited to share our very first live Podcast recording with Propaganda. Recorded live at SPARC 2018. We discuss how the Bible reads...

Propaganda - Part 1
Welcome to our first of two podcast episodes recorded over the SPARC weeked in Sydney. In this episode, Propaganda sits down with Jarrod and...

Drew Hart - S01E03
Drew G. I. Hart is an author, activist, and professor in theology in the Bible and Religion department at Messiah College with ten years...

Alexis Salvatierra - RefuJesus - S01E02
In this episode, Rev. Alexia Salvatierra, sheds light on the Immigration Crisis, and how we can respond.