Latest Episodes

Ekemini Uwan: Cosmology of the Cross
New co-host Dr. Drew Hart and Jarrod McKenna open up Matthew 27 with public theologian and advocate Ekemini Uwan. Support us on our...

New Season. New Co-host.
Jarrod kicks off season 3 by introducing his new Inverse co-host, Dr. Drew Hart. Support us on our [Patreon Page](

Alice Fraser: Arguing With Yourself in Public
To support us via Patreon: []( Alice Fraser, corporate law drop out, comedian, in fact the smartest in Australia. Makes jokes in bios about...

John Dear: Blessed are the Peacemakers
John Dear is an American Catholic priest, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Christian pacifist, vegetarianism advocate, author and lecturer, and a former member of the...

Poncho Murguia: Cartels and Christ - Part 2
Part 2 of our conversation with Ps. Poncho

Poncho Murguia: Cartels and Christ
Ps. Poncho Murguia is the Senior Pastor of Cruz de Gracia in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, a city notorious for violent crime and drug cartels....