Reparations: Prophetic Voices for Remembrance, Reckoning, and Repair with Dr Michael Barram

February 19, 2024 01:22:06
Reparations: Prophetic Voices for Remembrance, Reckoning, and Repair with Dr Michael Barram
Inverse Podcast
Reparations: Prophetic Voices for Remembrance, Reckoning, and Repair with Dr Michael Barram

Feb 19 2024 | 01:22:06


Show Notes

Join us as we hear from Dr Drew Hart’s co-editor of their new book 'Reparations and the Theological Disciplines: Prophetic Voices for Remembrance, Reckoning, and Repair', Dr Michael Barram.

Click here to purchase Reparations and the 'Theological Disciplines: Prophetic Voices for Remembrance, Reckoning, and Repair' in Hardback and E-Book format:
Dr Michael Barram earned his PhD in New Testament at Union Theological Seminary-PSCE (Richmond, VA), and since 2001 has been a professor in the Department of Theology & Religious Studies at Saint Mary’s College of California. He is a member of and regularly teaches at First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley. As a biblical scholar, Barram’s work focuses on the formative function of biblical texts for moral and economic reasoning—and on the emerging subfield of biblical interpretation known as missional hermeneutics. He is the author of Mission and Moral Reflection in Paul (Lang, 2006); Missional Economics: Biblical Justice and Christian Formation (Eerdmans, 2018); co-editor (with Drew Hart, Gimbiya Kettering, and Michael Rhodes) of the recently-released anthology, Reparations and the Theological Disciplines: Prophetic Voices for Remembrance, Reckoning, and Repair (Lexington, 2023); and co-author (with John R. Franke) of the forthcoming Liberating Scripture: An Invitation to Missional Hermeneutics (Cascade, 2024). Michael is married to Kelli; they have two daughters, aged 24 and 21.

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