In this episode of our series 'InVerse's Own: Voices From Our Community', we hear from Larissa Minniecon, Raisera McCulloch & Hannah Chapman as they explore how Indigenous women re-write, re-name and re-member our stories in a hostile environment, in the context of the [Australian] Referendum [on recognising the First Nations Peoples of Australia in the Constitution and establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament].
The Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis—Author, Activist, and Public Theologian—is the Senior Minister at Middle Collegiate Church, a multiracial, welcoming, and inclusive congregation in New...
Rev. Andrew Wilkes, Ph.D, is a political scientist, the co-pastor of the Double Love Experience Church in Brooklyn, and the former executive director of...
We are back with season 7 and happy to kick off this new season with Cole Arthur Riley. Cole is a writer and the...