Latest Episodes

Shane Claiborne: American Samaritans and Beating Guns
Shane Claiborne is activist, agitator, and author. His most recent book, “Beating Guns” has seen him tour across America, turning guns into garden tools....

Jonny Clarke and Jarrod talk Narnia, Brexit, Terrorism and Peace
From Jarrod's last trip to Ireland.

The 2nd Course with Bruxy
Exploring the bible with our favourite Canadian, Bruxy Cavey. (Part 2) [Website](

Digesting the Bible with Bruxy Cavey
Exploring the bible with our favourite Canadian, Bruxy Cavey. [Website](

Rene August discusses Apartheid and Grace
A veteran of the anti-apartheid movement and an Anglican priest, René August is a reconciliation trainer with The Warehouse, a worshipping community organization in...

Jonathan Martin & The Raiders of the Lost Pentecostalism
We jump into the future with Jonathan Martin, this is our second conversation, but first podcast, with our dear friend. Eye opening and surprising...